Anritsu OTDR ACCESS Master MT9085 Series

OTDR measurement is a basic function of the MT9085 series. The models in the series support different wavelengths matching the measurement environment. The Fiber Visualizer function displays fiber events as schematic icons for at-a-glance confirmation of splices and connectors along the fiber length with automatic Pass/Fail evaluation of fiber loss and reflectance. Moreover, manual analysis of loss and reflectance using a combination of the rotary knob, hard keys and marker operations assures the same easy operability as previous ACCESS Master series. The excellent waveform quality supports both PON measurements as well as realtime short to long-distance fiber measurements.

MT9085 Series OTDR Product Line
Option Wavelength Dynamic Range Feature

MT9085C-053 1310/1550 nm SM 46/46 dB General-purpose model for installation and maintenance (I&M)

MT9085C-057 1310/1550/1625 nm SM 46/46/44 dB Model for effective wavelength maintenance using macrobend analysis

MT9085B-053 1310/1550 nm SM 42/41 dB General-purpose model for installation and I&M

MT9085B-055 1310/1550 nm, 1650nm SM 41/41 dB, 35 dB Model with built-in filters for live circuit maintenance

MT9085B-056 1310/1490/1550 nm SM 42/41/41 dB Model for FTTx/PON I&M

MT9085B-057 1310/1550/1625 nm SM 40/39/38 dB Model for effective wavelength maintenance using macrobend analysis

MT9085B-058 1310/1490/1550/1625 nm SM 42/41/41/40 dB Model for FTTx/PON I&M; supports sectioned evaluation of CWDM wavelength band

MT9085B-063 1310/1550 nm SM 850/1300 nm MM 42/41 dB, 29/28 dB All-in-one model for SMF and MMF I&M

MT9085A-053 1310/1550 nm SM 39/37.5 dB General-purpose model for installation and I&M

MT9085A-057 1310/1550/1625 nm SM 37/35.5/32.5 dB Model for effective wavelength maintenance using macrobend analysis

MT9085A-063 1310/1550 nm SM 850/1300 nm MM 39/37.5 dB, 29/28 dB All-All-in-one model for SMF and MMF I&M